Investor Information

Company Overview

Issuer Name: Hydrogen Utopia International PLC

Place of Incorporation: Incorporated in England & Wales (Registered No 13421937) under the Companies Act 2006

Registered Office: C/O Laytons LLP, Yarnwicke, 119-121 Cannon Street, London EC4N 5AT

Articles of Association: Please click here

Company Overview: Learn more here

Directors' Biographical Details

Simon Mann - Non Executive Chairman

Aleksandra Binkowska – Chief Executive Officer

Entrepreneur with international experience across transportation, tourism, media and creative industries. Founder of the Plastic Neutrality Pledge Foundation.

Howard White - Executive Director

A seasoned entrepreneur and also a substantial investor in Powerhouse Energy Group plc. Howard has extensive fundraising experience and knowledge of the hydrogen market and is assisting the Company with its market development strategy. Howard took a £1million participation in Hydrogen Utopia’s AQSE IPO fundraising.

Paul Formanko - Non Executive Director

Career in investment banking as an emerging markets analyst, culminating in position as head of CEEMEA Banks Equity Research at JP Morgan in London until 2018.

Steve Medlicott - Non Executive Director

Chartered Accountant by qualification, stockbroking analyst then Finance Director of e-Therapeutics PLC prior to becoming CEO of Fuel3D Technologies Limited.



HSBC UK Bank PLC, 1 Centenary Square, Birmingham B1 1HQ

Hampden & Co PLC, Third Floor, 36 Dover Street, London W1S 4NH

Metro Bank PLC, One Southampton Row, London WC1B 5HA


RPG Crouch Chapman LLP, 40 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0BT


Neville Registrars Limited, Neville House, Steelpark Road, Halesowen B62 8HD

LSE Corporate Adviser:

Alfred Henry Corporate Finance Limited, Finsgate, 5-7 Cranwood Street, London EC1V 9EE


Laytons LLP, Yarnwicke, 119-121 Cannon Street, London EC4N 5AT

 Regulatory Announcements, Published Interim Financial Results & Published Annual Reports for the previous 5 years

Reports, Circulars and Other Publications including IPO Materials

Progressive Equity Reports

Securities in Issue

Hydrogen Utopia international PLC currently has in issue 385,520,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of £0.001 (updated 13.1.2023). Ordinary shares have full voting rights with 1 vote per share.

The percentage of ordinary shares in public hands is 24.19% (updated 28.08.2024).

The number of ordinary share options outstanding total 15,801,557 (updated 28.08.2024). Full exercise of the outstanding share options would result in dilution of the ordinary shares currently in issue by 4.58%. A description of the Company’s share option scheme and details of the share options outstanding are set out in paragraphs 4 and 6 of Part IV of the Company’s Admission Document.

The number of warrants outstanding total 40,000,000 (updated 13.1.2023).

Warrants to subscribe for up to 40,000,000 ordinary shares at a price of 15p per share were issued on a one for one basis (“Warrants”) to all subscribers for shares as part of the placing and subscriptions undertaken in connection with the Company’s Admission and are non-transferable. The subscription rights under the Warrants must be exercised within four years of the issue of the Warrants (being the date of Admission).

Full exercise of all of the Warrants (assuming that no share options have also been exercised) would result in dilution of the ordinary shares currently in issue by 9.40%.

Interest of substantial shareholders in the issued share capital
(over 5% of ordinary shares) of the Company (updated 28.08.2024) unless stated otherwise:


Number of Ordinary Shares

% of Issued Share Capital




Steven Giles



Conrad Griffiths



Directors Shareholding (updated 28.08.2024):


Number of Ordinary Shares

% of Issued Share Capital

Aleksandra Binkowska



Howard White



Paul Formanko



Steven Medlicott



Simon Mann




Corporate Governance

Hydrogen Utopia International PLC complies with the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code provisions for small and mid-size quoted companies (“QCA Code”) to the extent that the Board considers appropriate having regard to the Company’s size, board structure, stage of development and resources.

The Company departs from the provisions of the QCA Code in respect of the number of independent directors. The QCA Code says that “Generally, shareholder expectation is that at least half of directors of a board will be independent Non-Executive Directors”. The Board of the Company consists of four executive and two non-executive directors. The non-executive directors take no part in the day-to-day management of the Company’s affairs, have no performance related pay (although they have some share options reflecting their contributions to the IPO process but which are not believed to be sufficiently material to affect their independence) and provide no services to the Company save for those expected of their non-executive roles.

For further information on the Company’s corporate governance policies, please click here.


While Hydrogen Utopia International PLC takes every precaution as regards the content and presentation of information on any part of this website, no warranty is given as to the completeness or accuracy of the information given.

While the Company takes reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the information on its website, it shall not be held responsible for any losses or liabilities arising from the use of the information. No information on this site constitutes, or shall be deemed to constitute, an invitation or recommendation to invest or otherwise deal in the Company’s shares or any other securities of the Company. Nor does the information constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any such shares or securities. For the purpose of the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, nothing contained in this site is a 'financial promotion' nor does any statement constitute investment advice.